Please start with Part 1....
Looking back at this year I can see how much I have grown. Through this year there have been many lessons. Some I learned with grace and dignity...some I learned while kicking and screaming. I have grown from a teenager to an adult. I have had many great experiences and many horrible ones. I have laughed, I have cried. But thankfully I am still here breathing, learning, sharing, loving....I am still alive. God has guided me through this year...and I know as 2004 comes He will still guide me. Sometimes we will walk side by side....sometimes...He will have to carry me. But I know with His strength...I will make it. And I know that when our time is right we will be blessed with a beautiful and wonderful His time. So...I say goodbye to 2003 and look toward 2004 hoping and praying that it brings many wonderful times! Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!!!